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Panty Hose and Bombs!What do these two have in common? Well, man can make them both. Man can make a bomb that'll travel for miles and miles and hit a target right dead center and blow it to smithereens. But panty hose still get runners. Where's our priorities? I wanna look good before I get blown to bits....Saint Peter's gonna notice that runner I just know it!!! How can God have patience with man...who makes these things? How can a person have patience with a God Who allows these things to be made? I don't have patience. If "goodness and mercy are going to follow me all the days of my life" I'd like to be able to see it. I don't want to feel the pinch financially when things are tight. I don't like it when the cupboard is bare. Oh, I'm not going to starve. I'm just hungry for something I don't have. And won't have for awhile because we are broke. And I see 'evil' people going out to eat. My name isn't "Mother Hubboard"...I don't want a bare cupboard. I don't want to have to trust God. But He knows best. He apparently knows I give too much away as soon as I get stuff. I have to share. It's just "in" me to share. I'm a good giver. Just not a good "receiver". I'll cry if you give me something I need. It's very hard for me to take it. But, I'll take it and split it with someone else. So, I guess thats why He always sees to it that we do have what we need. Like David, when he wrote the Psalms -- he'd seen mishaps and made mistakes, horrible ones, but he believed in God and he knew the sun would rise again tomorrow no matter what. He had learned to trust in God. He knew that God would provide...everytime. He knows what we have need of before we do. He prepared this whole earth, remember??? He put the gas and the oil there. Long before He breathed life into Adams nostrils he knew we'd build homes and want warmth. So why are you worried about that light bill? Trust Him. Click to go to PRAYER & MESSAGE BOARD All original material © Dee Rupert 1999 use by permission only email Dee for permissoion of use |