was never really impressed with the 23rd Psalm until
I read this book. The author took it verse by verse
and tore it apart and explained it to you. Then I was
more than impressed. I was in awe. Of God, of the
sheep, and the shepherd. David, as a young boy, had
the "edge" on us.
spent his days alone communing with God. His
relationship with God was less than perfect
throughout his life. But the time in the mountains
with the sheep and the Shepherd trained David in a
way that we shall never see again. He did not have
time in the evenings to hang out at the local pub on
the corner of Lion and Oak and trade stories with
other shepherds. And he didn't have a
"relief" man coming in from 11 to 7 so he
could go to his "Condo-cave" and catch 40
winks...he had to sleep with one eye open watching
for lions and bears and wandering sheep that couldn't
sleep---hhhhmmmm, I wonder what sheep count when they
can't sleep??? And when one wandered off for a snack
at 3 am did David's answering service call the
"other " guy who was on duty to relieve
David? No, again, no answering services and no relief
men. Just David and his God...and I do not believe
that David was a babbling idiot with God (as I can
sometimes be---"can I have it now God??? huh???
can I??? God!!! God !!! You there ???Yo !!! God !!!
Are You listening???" Are You gonna answer me???
What's taking SO long???)
believe David had daily communion with God, the likes
of which we have never seen. Of course, maybe I
should not include you in my accusation of myself!!!
But how much time do we spend with God in comparison
with how much time we spend on other daily things !!
Look at how well David knew God and he even slipped
and fell away in his later years!!!
at one time David went to a whole Army of men who
were afraid of one man---the giant Goliath... and
David RAN AT him !!! With a slingshot and 5 smooth
stones; I'm sure his brothers peeked out from the
tent flaps and said that their father had left that
boy out in the sun with the sheep tooooo long !!! For
all of his brothers AND the King sat in their tents
nervously playing cards and listened to the giants
taunts. And a teenage shepherd boy comes down outta
the mountain and takes him on singlehandedly!!! David
is full of faith in what God can do when he moved
"towards" the problem...and not just sit in
fear and listen to it...God had delivered him from
the lion and the bear---so in his mind -whats the
difference?? That this one happens to talk??? Even
the lion and the bear roared... and so David calls
him as he sees him---"an uncircumsized
knows where the Power comes from. He has NO doubt.
And even though he heard the King make all the
promises of what would happen to the one who did do
the giant in; I do not believe that was his 1st
driving motive !!! He KNEW who he was in God !!!
is the last time you cleared your throat and said
"Ahem---uh---its me God, just wanted to remind
you...I mean did You forget...I NEED that rent money
by tomorrow night !!!" I once heard someone say
and to provide for me He can sell one if need be...
idea---for God to have a "yard sale" to pay
my rent !!! heh heh heh I think not. He is the
CREATOR !!! But the person did make me think---and I
did have to agree with them---"why is it my cow
ya sold God ?" Most likely because I didn't wait
to "see" anything take place so I was
doubtful and nervous ( I can smell that bears breath
Lord !!! You can take his breath away now !!! He can
die natural before he gets aaannnyyy closer !!!!!
HELLLP !!!) so with "bear breath on my neck I
thought "logically"---"well, Bessie
hasn't been giving much milk lately..."
often do we, in our daily lives, have that exact
undying, unwavering committed faith that God will do
exactly what needs done as David did??? And patiently
wait on Him to do it...not seeing it in the physical
and yet NOT doubt??? Who more than David would've
deserved to see I mean, really "see" the
lion or the bear being delivered unto death?
Well, that's all folks for
now, blessings to you in Jesus' name! Love, prayers
and hugzzzz ~ Dee