Until the Race is Won!
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
Lyrics and Acknowledgments

Manna For Breakfast???

I have come to the conclusion that I wouldn't have made a good "follower" of Moses in the 40 year trek in the "Wilderness". I have heard some preachers tell their reasons why the trip took 40 years and it really shouldn't have...I have my own personal opinions; one being why I WASN'T there.

40 years in the same outfit??? the same shoes??? I can hear me whining now !!!

"I'm sick of this dress !!! these shoes havent even begun to wear thin on the bottom!!! What kinda leather is this??? (In case you are wondering---yes, I AM the "baby" of the family---and yes I DID get my Doctorate in Whining!!!) I whine, therefore I am !!! 40 years and no home??? Travelling saleslady I am not--God, come on what gives here? You are punishing me for someone elses mistakes !!! Why??? that thing in the Good Book that says the sins of the fathers shall be visited upon the 3rd and 4th generations...couldn't Ya skip my generation??? C'mon, I've passed this tree 14 or more times now!!! Where did Moses get his sense of direction??? From egg-beater school??? Round and round in circles!!! Just like a man to never stop for directions!!! We have TOO camped here before !!! I remember that patch of poison ivy VERY WELL !!! And whats with the diet Moses??? Manna for breakfast, manna for lunch, manna for supper....I'm seeing manna in my sleep !!! If God did create this world and us and all that is here----whatsamatta'? Did He run out of deas??? Why is it taking so long to get there?"

And what is it with this #40??? He made it rain for 40 days and 40 nights on Noah....now we're to be wandering around here for 40 years??? Well, God, I'll tell ya what !!! My daddy always told me if I was lost or sick on my birthday that I didn't have to count it!!! So when we get outta this mess---I'm STILL gonna be 29 !!! :>)

And then.............He comes quietly into my soul and whispers...".you are the sheep...I AM THE SHEPHERD." And for all of my whining, I know now why we are compared to a sheep....they are very dumb animals...but even for as dumb as THEY are....we are dumber...at least the sheep have the good sense to trust their human shepherd. Why can't I do that with my Heavenly Shepherd??? Why must I "put my whining 2 cents in" so often? And just why does He allow me to do so??? Because of a love and a grace and mercy that we will never fully understand until we meet Him face to face. I don't know why He has allowed me the priveledges that I do have.

I only know He loves me. Unconditionally. Forever. And those are two big words we could chew on for a long time and still not know their meanings fully. A sheep trusts the shepherd to lead it---to food---to water---and to shade to rest in.The sheep follow the shepherd all over the country, where ever he leads them. They do not stop and stomp their feet and scream and rant and rave and refuse to go any further until they get their way. They trust that the shepherd knows just what they need --- when they need it...no wonder He compared us. If we could only be as smart as that dumb sheep; we'd have it made. God does not get moved by what I need....He knew I would need it long before I knew it!!! He is moved by how I interact--with that need and my faith in His ability to supply. The shepherd does not water the sheep as soon as they have eaten; he knows they need to digest their food...so he makes them lie down (in green pastures..) and they chew their cud...as a cow does...and when they are done and rested ---Then the shepherd finds the watering hole.

And for some of us it does take the full 40 years (or more ---sigh) to learn to simply T R U S T that our Shepherd KNOWS what we need & when we need it!!!

Well, folks that's it for today---if you need prayer--- go to the prayer board I love to kick the devil's butt. He hates me and the feeling is mutual----but as always I remind him----nah nah nah nah nah !!! I have a future and a hope!!!(Jer.29:11) and he doesn't.!!! And by the way---if he has been bugging you about your less than "dee-sireable" past (of which, yes I have one)----remind him of his future!!!

I would also like to thank Carla ---alias---Hissparrow for pushing me to do this....I am enjoying it !!! And if I can make one person laugh today---I have made my own day!!! Thanks for spending your time reading my thoughts!!! May God richly bless you until we meet again for some fun.

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