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Until the Race is Won! Rah! Rah! Rah! You Go God!!!!! I had a "flash" when I was walking to the tv to put my hands on the hands of Richard Roberts to agree with him in prayer...and knew I was supposed to tell you about when I first met Seths wife. It was football season, and Seth was an excellent player (yes, he is my son, and nope---no "partiallity" here---he won a scholarship---that's proof enough for me !!!) And Amy was very very quiet !!! And I am NOT. So, I tried to warn her what I acted like at his football games...I told her she may not want to stand (or run beside) me. And I tend to yell when he is running with the ball---LOUD, LONG, AND ALOT...and I guess she didn't believe me...that is until she saw 1st hand for herself !!! She acted pretty cool I must say...she is a pretty little blonde and she blushes easily...and maybe I was too involved in Seth's game to notice...but at the next game when her parents were there and Seth was making a touch down and I left out a wild proud motherly roar (was a tomboy growing up---still am; my mother tried to raise me right really she did !!!) Amy looked over at her mom and said "I TOLD you she acted like this !!!" Of course, then, I felt the need to tell how I had actually climbed a chain link fence when the boys were smaller and playing the "PeeWee" Leagues and one of them was making another touchdown...and I had on Indian moccasins that were all leather-no sole--and I got my big toe stuck in the fence---at the top of the fence OF COURSE !!! And I leaned on my very tall Texan sis-in-law and whispered (why whisper after a roar???) to her "Judy-please get me down !!!" She, of course, took one look and did some roaring of her own!!! And yes, even after sharing this tidbit with Amy, she still married my son !!! =-) At least she was "forewarned" what I was like !!! I am ALL me !!! And as I tried to run to the tv screen tonight to get my hands on Richard Roberts' hands I thought...I worship God the same way I screamed and yelled for my kids in football. I could never understand how anyone could go to a church where you were handed a "program" where everything is said and done on that piece of paper in advance and you just follow along...where is there room for God??? When is the Holy Spirit (or the Holy SPIT--- as the boys called Him when they were little---it probably wasn't a mispronunciation with a wild mother like me---they probably did get spit on a time or two when I was in the midst of worship!!!) but when does He get to move and flow or heal or anoint??? Don't get me wrong---I know God wants things done decently and in order !!! But He also needs us to throw up our hands and exit the "programs" and wait on Him. How often do we do that ??? How often do you hear the horn of the car behind you honk if you don't hit the gas pedal the very split second the light turns green??? And we have drive thru windows for just about everything from food to dry cleaners !!! Because we don't want to wait !!! I have told the boys from a very young age---"don't get impatient---about 1/5th of your life is spent waiting". You will: wait for the phone to ring for that job, or for a friend to go to the movies, or for an unemployment check to come in the mail (VERY GOOD idea of what "eternity" is going to be like !!!) Now "who" do ya think it is that wants us to hate waiting??? The answer is simple. It's satan. Why??? Because it tells me in Isaiah 40:31 "But they that WAIT upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint." And if I wait then I will have what ??? Strength...and I will be able to run and I will not be weary. Why would satan want me weary??? All the better to attack me with his lies and plans of deception. And trust me, if he is not bothering you, you are in the lane of traffic he wants you in !!! So change lanes !!! No, it's not fun to wait. Its not fun to have to fight him...but God has promised me that when I walk through the waters, He will be with me. The line of a song often comes to mind "when the waves are over your head, they're under His feet!!!" And, please, remember WE are not actually fighting satan anyhow ! IICor. 10:4---"For the weapons of our warfare ARE NOT CARNAL, but mighty THROUGH GOD to the pulling down of strongholds:" so this means---as badly as I want to I cannot punch satan in the nose-or poison him-or anything else...I MUST use Gods ways to succeed !!! He gave us the Instruction Book...we just have to learn to use it !!! Well, g'nite all !!! Til we meet again!!!! May God richly bless and keep you in His arms !!! As always---Love, Prayers, & Hugzzz !!! Dee Click to go to PRAYER & MESSAGE BOARD All original material © Dee Rupert 1999 use by permission only email Dee for permissoion of use |